I've discussed the structure of the data processor execution in a previous article. Today let's take a look at a certain type of the data processors: data initializer.

There are many data initializers implemented in src/dataProcessors/dataInitializerWrapperXD.h/hh. I'll take one of them, initializeAtEquilibrium(), as an example here.

Overloads of initializeAtEquilibrium()

  • Taking the 2D version as an example, there are four overloads that are categorized into two types.

    1. Two of them accept constant density and velocity and applied constants to all cells.
      template<typename T, template<class U> class Descriptor>
      void initializeAtEquilibrium(BlockLattice2D<T,Descriptor>& lattice, Box2D domain,T density, Array<T,2> velocity, T temperature = (T)1);

      template<typename T, template<class U> class Descriptor>
      void initializeAtEquilibrium(MultiBlockLattice2D<T,Descriptor>& lattice, Box2D domain, T density, Array<T,2> velocity, T temperature = (T)1);
      • It calls applyProcessingFunctional()
      • It is based on the functional IniConstEquilibriumFunctional2D
    2. Two of them accept a function object RhoUFunction and provides a cell-dependent initialization.
      template<typename T, template<class U> class Descriptor, class RhoUFunction>
      void initializeAtEquilibrium(BlockLattice2D<T,Descriptor>& lattice, Box2D domain, RhoUFunction f)

      template<typename T, template<class U> class Descriptor, class RhoUFunction>
      void initializeAtEquilibrium(MultiBlockLattice2D<T,Descriptor>& lattice, Box2D domain, RhoUFunction f)
      • It calls applyIndexed(), a wrapper of applyProcessingFunctional()
      • It is based on the functional IniCustomEquilibriumFunctional2D
  • For each type, there are two versions, one for MultiblockLattice2D and one for BlockLattice2D.
  • As I've discussed a lot about the general applyProcessingFunctional in the previous article, I will focus on the more interesting cell-dependent version initializer.

Function Object

  • For the cell-dependent version, it needs to initialize each cell of the domain with a cell (position)-dependent value. This is achieved by passing a function object RhoUFunction into the initializeAtEquilibrium() function.
    // This function is implemented in-place, because it cannot be precompiled due to its generic nature.
    template<typename T, template<class U> class Descriptor, class RhoUFunction>
    void initializeAtEquilibrium(MultiBlockLattice2D<T,Descriptor>& lattice, Box2D domain, RhoUFunction f)
  • RhoUFunction f is an function object
    • A function object, or functor, is any type that implements operator(). This operator is referred to as the call operator or sometimes the application operator. The C++ Standard Library uses function objects primarily as sorting criteria for containers and in algorithms.

    • Function objects provide two main advantages over a straight function call. The first is that a function object can contain state. The second is that a function object is a type and therefore can be used as a template parameter.

  • As mentioned above, the function object can be used as a template parameter as it is shown in the above snippet.
  • The RhoUFunction is a class member of the functional IniCustomEquilibriumFunctional2D, is called in side functional->execute().
  • A typical functor
    /// A functional, used to create an initial condition for the density and velocity
    template<typename T>
    class PoiseuilleVelocityAndDensity {
    void operator()(plint iX, plint iY, T& rho, Array<T,2>& u) const {
    // assign values to rho and u.

Cell-dependent functional

  • IniCustomEquilibriumFunctional2D is
    • declared in src/dataProcessors/dataInitializerFunctional2D.h
    • implemented in src/dataProcessors/dataInitializerGenerics2D.h (the file name sounds weird though, I guess "generic" means cell-dependent?)
  • IniCustomEquilibriumFunctional2D : OneCellIndexedFunctional2D
  • OneCellIndexedFunctional2D has the member function execute(iX, iY, cell) which is overridden in the subclass.
    • where: src/dataProcessors/dataInitializerFunctional2D.h/hh
  • execute() is the place to implement the algorithm.

applyIndexed a wrapper of applyProcessingFunctional

  • applyIndexed is a wrapper of applyProcessingFunctional
  • It builds a GenericIndexedLatticeFunctional2D that is inherited from BoxProcessingFunctional2D_L
  • GenericIndexedLatticeFunctional2D includes the private class member OneCellIndexedFunctional2D* f, which is IniCustomEquilibriumFunctional2D
  • The key idea of GenericIndexedLatticeFunctional2D is the overridden process() loops through the domain and call the f->execute() at each cell.
  • where
    • src/dataProcessors/dataInitializerWrappers2D.hh
  • One-cell functional
    1. OneCellFunctional2D
    2. OneCellIndexedFunctional2D
    3. OneCellIndexedWithRandFunctional2D
  • Generic lattice functional, which takes one-cell functional as a private class member f. Such a functional overrides the process() so that execute f->execute() at each cell of the domain
    1. GenericLatticeFunctional2D
    2. GenericIndexedLatticeFunctional2D
    3. GenericIndexedWithRandLatticeFunctional2D
  • Functional Wrapper, that calls applyProcessingFunctional() with the functional
    1. apply()
    2. applyIndexed()
      1. take GenericIndexedLatticeFunctional2D
      2. take GenericIndexedWithRandLatticeFunctional2D