This is to show the way to calculate variable (e.g. pressure) fluctuation in Paraview.

To calculate the \(\tilde{p} = p - \bar{p}\) in Paraview, where \(\bar{p}\) is the time average.

  • Open the data (.vtk files) as object p and saying it contains the variable pressure.
  • Calculate the time average using the filter Temporal Statistics (Filters -> Temporal -> Temporal Statistices) and the output is the object TemporalStatistics1.
  • Selecte the p and the TemporalStatistics1, and apply the filter Append Attributes. The output is AppendAttributes1.
  • Use a Calculator to subtract pressure_average from pressure.
Fig. 1 - The pipeline for calculating the fluctuation
Fig. 1 - The pipeline for calculating the fluctuation


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