Two factors to form the basis of all good technical singing are sostenuto and coloratura, literally meaning "sustained" and "coloring" in English.

In the form of the operatic scena, cavatina and cabaletta exhibite, in which the singer was expected to show the two chief technical facets of skillful singing: legato and agility.

These two vocal techniques are Siamese twins. One completes the other cannot exist without the other.

Examples of scene or "double arias": Handel's Piangerò. Mozart's Non mi dir, Bellini's Non mi credea, and Verdi's Ah! fors'è lui!

Sustained Coloring
Techiniques Sostenuto Coloratura
Scena Sections Cavatina cabaletta
Technical Facets legato agility
Adjectives verismo pyrotechnical melismatic