Matlab in Emacs

Why programming and debugging Matlab in Emacs? There are two main reasons:

  1. There are no Emacs emulators/keybindings available in Matlab on macOS, which makes Matlab programming less efficient.
  2. One might need to program and debug Matlab scripts remotely.

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The boundary conditions implemented in Palabos can be generally divided in two categories

  1. OnLatticeBoundaryCondition, mainly implemented in src/boundaryCondition/

  2. OffLatticeModel, mainly implemented in src/offLattice/

This article mainly focuses on the OnLatticeBoundaryCondition.

Class DiagramClass Diagram

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initializeAtEquilibrium() in Palabos

I've discussed the structure of the data processor execution in a previous article. Today let's take a look at a certain type of the data processors: data initializer.

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Specific admittance of the wall for modeling the thermoviscous losses

The derivation of the specific admittance of the wall for modeling the thermoviscous losses can be found in Pierce's book, Acoustics: An Introduction to Its Physical Principles and Applications (2019, 3rd edition). This article is to note down the derivation with the key steps and equations copied from the book.

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The Jet-Drive Model

Modeling the flute exitation is complex. There exiting two main models, i.e., the jet-drive model and the discrete vortex model. Let's talk about the jet-drive model for now.

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The role of the vortex - sound generative or dissipative?

We know that the vortex is generative based on the vortex sound theory. We also know that the vortex is dissipative at the end of the orifice. Is the vortex acoustic generative or dissipative?

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Update Hexo

At first, all I want is making the asset folder work, then I tried to update hexo and met a series of problem and got them solved.

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Manage Your Own Package in Spacemacs

How to manage your own package or the one your forked in Spacemacs? The answer is the layer.

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How do I use Zotero?

I used Endnote as my first reference management software when I started my master study. I also tried a little bit Mendeley and saw how well it is intrinsically coupled Elsevier publications and the PDF editor. However, I finally decided to use Zotero mainly because it is an open-source software and is more flexible.

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Building a Personal Palabos Git Repository

Palabos just released a new version (v2.1r0) and pushed everything on GitLab. This is something that all the Palabos community used to looking forward and makes it easier for the users to get official updates and contribute their own code. Personally, I would like to build my own Palabos version with in-house developed code while keeping updated from the official one. In this post, I am trying to talk about the Git workflow I use, which is mainly based on the Feature Branch Workflow and the Git Workflow.

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